7. Setup automated rules to write to the system log

  1. Open the command shell and start pmieconf as the superuser:

$ cd /var/lib/pcp/config/pmieconf
$ sudo su
# mkdir mounts
# cd mounts
# [save the below code here in a file named as 'available']
#pmieconf-rules 1
# --- DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE --- see pmieconf(5)

rule        mounts.available
    default = "$rule$"
    predicate =
"some_inst (
    mounts.up $hosts$ $interfaces$ != 1
    enabled = yes
    version = 1
    help    =
"For at least one monitored mount point, a filesystem has not
been detected mounted at the configured path for that mount.";

string      rule
    default = "Mount point is not available"
    modify  = no
    display = no;

instlist    interfaces
    default = ""
    help    =
"May be set to a list of configured mount points for which the rule will
be evaluated, as a subset of all configured pmdamounts(1) mount points.
Mount points should be separated by white space and may be enclosed in
single quotes, eg.  \"/var /home\".  Use the command:
    $ pminfo -f mounts.up
to discover the names of all currently configured mount points.";

string      action_expand
    default = "[%i]@%h"
    display = no
    modify  = no;

string      email_expand
    default = "host: %h mount %i is not available"
    display = no
    modify  = no;

# --- DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE --- see pmieconf(5)
  1. To locate the mount points:

# pmieconf help mounts

rule: mounts.available  [Mount point is not available]
help: For at least one monitored mount point, a filesystem has not
    been detected mounted at the configured path for that mount.
  1. Start pmieconf interactively (as the superuser).

# pmieconf -f /var/lib/pcp/config/pmie/config.default
  1. To enable the rules:

pmieconf> enable mounts
  1. Quit the pmieconf:

pmieconf> quit

/var/lib/pcp/config/pmie/config.default is in use by 1 running pmie process: 526929
  1. Restart this process for the configuration change to take effect:


  • Use kill(1) to stop; e.g. kill -INT 526929

  • Refer to pmie_check(1) for a convenient mechanism for restarting pmie daemons launched under the control of /etc/pcp/pmie/control; e.g. /usr/libexec/pcp/bin/pmie_check -V

# systemctl restart pmie
  1. Check the status again:

# pmieconf status -f /var/lib/pcp/config/pmie/config.default

verbose:  off
enabled rules:  21 of 29
pmie configuration file:  /var/lib/pcp/config/pmie/config.default
pmie process (PID) using this file:  749473
  1. Search for the messages:

# grep pcp-pmie /var/log/messages